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The Key of Wisdom

At launch every racer, squad leader, and squad mentor received a key for the journey. It a key with a hand stamped prophetic word on it that hangs around a chain. The heart behind them are to ask the Lord what that word means and what He wants to do with it. After you have walked out what the Lord wants you to through it you pray about who to give it to next and pass it on.


For 2 months I wore a key with the word Wisdom around my neck.


Something the Lord taught me so much about since launching.


The thing I doubted I could carry.


The very thing that has been spoken over me that I just couldn’t understand why.

But after 2 months the Lord started to so me clarity. He started to show me the truths in the doubt. He showed me that when I seek Him and go to Him I walk out in His wisdom not my own.

At the beginning of month 3 Gap L had what we call leadership development weekend or LDW for short. It’s practically a 2 day conference where the whole squad gets together for teachings, breakouts, and worship. But unlike a debrief during LDW’s squad leaders give members of the squad opportunities to lead the different sessions.

Before I continue with the story I just want to say the men and women of Gap L did an incredible job teaching breakouts, leading morning devos, leading worship, helping with prophetic rooms, and leading creative processing.


Before the creative processing session I felt like the Lord was telling me it was time for me to give my key away. So I started to pray about it, but I wasn’t getting a name.

The creative processing session started and the Lord highlighted one of the women leading it. He said “give it to her”. As she started speaking the Lords wisdom was pouring out of her. It was incredible! I knew that she was exactly the person I was suppose to give my key to.

After she was done speaking I pulled her aside and gave her my key. That moment alone was incredible but what was to come was even better.

The next morning I was sitting up against a wall in a doctors office we were staying at for our LDW reading my bible when the women I gave my key to came up to me enthusiastically.

“Sara Mac can I talk to you really fast?”

“Of course” I responded.


She went on to tell me that a few weeks prior the Lord was speaking to her about a scripture so she wrote it out and painted a picture on it. She ran to grab it and handed to me with excitement. It was a picture of Proverbs 4:11-13 NLT which says, “ I will teach you wisdom’s ways and lead you in straight paths. When you walk, you won’t be held back; when you run, you won’t stumble. Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.” Not only did the picture hold that scripture, but it has held a picture of a key that she painted. Cool, right? But the coolest part was the cut out part of the key was almost the same as the one that I gave her.


I tell this story to be a reminder of how intentional our heavenly Father is. To be a  reminder that Lord loves and cares for His children. To be a reminder that even in the “little things” He is still such a big God.