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Holy places that are crafted in the most elegant way. 

Stained glass windows sharing their stories each time the sun reaches it. Paintings depicting stories from the bible with so much raw emotion. Arches that guide your eyes up toward heaven. Details in the architecture that seem impossible to achieve in modern day let alone hundreds of years ago. 

Beautiful. Captivating. Breathtaking. 

Since launching with gap L I have had the opportunity to visit handfuls of cathedrals. Some in the diverse quadrants of Liviv, Ukraine or some in the booming city square of Cusco, Peru. Each so different holding new perspective of stories and cultural influence, but all so beautiful. 

While exploring Cathedrals today I found myself overwhelmed by the beauty and complexity of all the details. The pictures properly placed. Details in the ceiling that didn’t need to be there, but are there to romance whoever was staring at them in a deeper capacity. Color strategically picked to represent something bigger than just color. But the thing about these Cathedrals is that they weren’t built quickly. They took time. They took effort. They took patience. They took perseverance.

As I tried to intake all that the Cathedrals held I heard the Lord say something.

“Sara, what does your Cathedral look like?”

It was in that moment that I realized this stone masterpiece I was standing in was nothing compared to the Lords favorite masterpiece. His children. His living temples. Or in this case his living Cathedrals. 

So what does my Cathedral look like? 

Is it lined with walls of multicolored windows that illuminate the room with radiant colors? Do I have details carved into my archways that make you wonder how long and hard someone worked on it? Are the walls full of paintings that bring the stories I heard growing up to life? Am I letting the builder take His time on the details or am I trying to rush Him just some people can come in?

As I sat with the Lord I saw this picture of a Cathedral that resembled those that I had the honor of visiting in Europe. Full of beauty. A place worthy of worship. A place that He purposefully designed. A place that once was an empty building of stone now full of beauty.


My Cathedral is beautiful, but it didn’t happen over night. It has taken time. It has taken effort. It has taken patience. It has taken perseverance. And I will continue to work with the builder to make it more like His blueprints and vision.