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“Sara, if you know the Lord is calling you back onto the missions field in this season, why are you in GA not out in the nations?”


I know, logically CGA doesn’t seem like a necessary step in what the Lord is calling me into, but the Lord doesn’t need to make logical sense to us.


I am a pretty spontaneous person. I am an ENFP on the Meyers-Briggs and lead with exploration. (If you have no idea what that means, I would love to chat with you about it.) So grasping the concept of doing something that logically doesn’t make sense isn’t hard for me, especially when it comes to what the Lord asks of me. I tend to jump in head first. But I understand that others don’t think the same way as I do. 


When the Lord called me to CGA, I was so excited! The thought of the unknown in an 8 month season was thrilling to me. I was excited to let the Lord do whatever He wanted in those months. 


Since I have been here at CGA, the Lord has moved bigger and more profound than ever. He has been showing me so much about myself, my calling, and where He wants me next, as well as equipping me with the proper tools and resources to grow. 


I came into this season with the mindset to become a better leader in order to lead an 11n11 world race squad. The Lord has shown me His plan for me as a leader and where He wants me to go after my time in CGA, which was a little bit different than mine. 


The Lord has surrounded me with such a solid community with race alum, as well as Gap race (a college gap year version of the world race. Typically 3 countries in 9 months, or 5 in 9.) alum. He has used the gap alum to really ignite something in my heart. 


So, as I continue CGA and to lean into the growth the Lord has for me, I will start my application process for Squad Leading a Gap year program. 


As days pass the Lord continues to show me the importance to why I am here and why I need to stay. If I didn’t say yes to coming and relied on logic, I would be missing this path the Lord is leading me on.