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I recently watched Moana. I’m a sucker for Disney movies and over dramatic unrealistic adventures. Needless to say I loved it!


Like most Disney movies, it was full of scenes/one liners that were so inspirational that you evaluate your life. I can’t be the only one that does this.


Anyways, this theatrical adventure was full of inspiration, but one scene stuck out to me the most. It was a quick minor scene that most would look over, because it doesn’t do much for the story line.


In the first 5 minutes or so, toddler Moana is by the ocean unknowingly learning about her purpose when she spots a baby sea turtle. This turtle is stuck on shore protected by branches from birds waiting to have a their dinner. The turtle is noticeably afraid to move forward. Afraid to move from protection to where it’s suppose to be, the ocean. Moana makes her way over to the turtle, grabs a leaf, holds it above the turtle so anything above can’t see it, and starts guiding it to the ocean. They encounter two birds along the way trying to snatch the turtle. Moana swats the first one away. The second one grabs the turtle, but before he could get away with it Moana stops him. In his attempt to take the turtle the bird flipped the turtle on its back. Moana turns the turtle upright, and continues to guide it to the ocean. They finally make it to the shore and the turtle swims off.

 ( Here is the scene


This scene is probably no longer than 20 seconds, but it was the most profound to me.

Here is why.


As I watched this scene happen the Lord said “This is how I take care of you. I will guide you. I will protect you. I don’t do what you need to do for you. You need to choose to trust me and go. You might be knocked a little along the way, but I won’t let anything hurt you. Continue to move forward like that turtle. You can make it. I am never leaving you”


As I watched the rest of the movie I was brought back to this scene and what the Lord said about it. Replaying it over and over in my head. Finding joy that the Father will use a “pointless” scene in a Disney movie to speak to His child. He cares for me so deeply and knows exactly what I need and when I need it. It’s unexpected, but so much sweeter than anything I could ever plan on my own. Feeling so loved by the promise my Heavenly Father spoke to me during a movie. Knowing that my Father hears my cries and finds ways to encourage me to dig deep and keep going.