Recently I have had the inability to dream.
Big dreams, little dreams, practical dreams, ridiculous dreams.
It seemed impossible.
I could write all about why this is happening and the process, but I am not going to do that. Instead I am going to share with you my dreams list.
Unable to dream, I sat down with a blue Pilot G-2 and artfully ripped blank pages and started to dream again.
These are 100 of my dreams.
Learn to surf
Become fluent in another language and use it in a country that speaks it
Kill and prepare my own meal
Road trip the US East to West coast
Live off the grid for a month
Run half marathon
Play hockey on a team
Drink a cappuccino in Italy
Hike to Everest base camp
Get married
Make own beer
Cliff jump
Compose a piece of music and perform it
Ride an ostrich
Stomp grapes for wine
Plant a fruit tree and eat off of it
Take Christopher on a missions trip
Deep sea fish
Make my own sushi
Catch fly with chopsticks
Hike PCT (not all in one go)
Take Dad to see Everest
Sail to an island
Cage dive with Great White Sharks
Swim with Sharks (no cage)
Help deliver a baby
Crash a wedding
Drive a car on a drag strip
Fish in every ocean
Whale watch in Alaska
Take Nana and Papa to Italy
Go to Iceland
Build a house start to finish
Make a wish in the Trevi Fountain
Canoe/boat the Amazon
Learn Piano
Learn to ballroom dance
Tattoo myself
Experience another country with each member of my immediate family
Have a meal with a stranger
Pay for a strangers groceries
Have a garden and not kill it for one season
Learn the cello
Learn and perform Bach Cello Suite No. 1
Ride zamboni at a Red Wings game
Play D and D
Learn Photography
Take long exposure shots in Africa
Do bar ministry in Thailand
Help at a refugee camp
Visit all 50 states
Visit all 7 continents
Coach a softball team
Help start a business
Go to the Olympics
Dig a well in a village
Complete Tough Mudder
Visit the “Stans”
Take a boat from South America to Antarctica
Do half marathon on every continent
Go to Greece
Host a murder mystery party
Go dog sledding
Go crab fishing
Learn how to blow glass
Play rock paper scissors to decide a whole day
Give flowers to a stranger
Guide a safari
Go to Salt flats in Bolivia
Give Bruce Jenner a hug and tell him that he is loved
Do a backflip
Visit D.C. with Richie
Own a Jeep Wrangler
Do a polar plunge
Be a mascot
Lasso an animal while riding a horse
Scuba dive
Be an extra in a movie
Smoke a Cuban cigar in Cuba
Go survival camping with John and Julia
Go to Patagonia
Experience Holi in India
Light off Lantern in Thailand during festival
Visit redwood forest
Help rebuild a car
Have a fancy dinner somewhere not fancy
Caribou hunting in Alaska
Close my eyes point to a globe and go there
Teach someone how to play an instrument
Try to spot the Loch Ness Monster
Visit where my family comes from
Sit in a VW Beetle and watch people play “slug bug”
Visit all Disney Worlds/Lands
Go to the Middle East
Swim in the Dead Sea
Raft the Nile River
Go to Israel
Have my own family
Teach my children about something I am passionate about
So, those are 100 of my dreams. Some serious. Some ridiculous. But they are mine.
I don’t plan to stop at 100. Will I complete all of them? Maybe. Maybe not. But I won’t let uncertainty stop me from dreaming.
Dang, it feels good to dream again.